


  • 图书作者: 李清如
  • 出  版  社: 武汉出版社
  • 版权提供: 北京明天远航文化传播有限公司
  • 所在分类: 图书 > 英语外语 > 英语
  • 上传时间: 2015-10-21
  • 文件格式: htxt
  • 纸版书价:¥29.8           书城价: ¥4.00
 拥有百年历史的牛津大学流行过哪些经典的成功故事呢?又是怎样的人文精神启发了一代代牛津的大学生?《那些启迪牛津的成功故事(英汉对照)》精选上百篇原版英语成功故事,英汉美文并蓄,从双语的视角向读者展示了一个个催人奋进、给人以启迪的成功故事。书中一个个扣人心弦的故事,深度挖掘了平凡小事蕴藏的精神力量和人性之美,真率倾诉对生命的全新体验和深刻感悟,字里行间洋溢着感恩、信念、鼓励和希望。广大读者既能在轻松阅读中提高英语水平,又能从中感悟人生的真谛,激发搏击风雨、奋发向上的生命激情!   《那些启迪牛津的成功故事(英汉对照)》分为独特个性、思想深度、创造潜力、自由独立、思辨精神、批判思维、勇于负责、拥有美德、充满热情、心智成熟、坚毅执着、追求卓越、激励他人、温文有礼、领袖气质等几部分,旨在让读者欣赏到不同角度。
  Part 1 独特个性Maintain Your Unique Individuality Diligently   Having Hearts in Eyes   Cody started life weighing 24 ounces.   Due to extreme premature, our son had eye surgery to prevent blindness. As a result of the surgery, he lost peripheral vision in his right eye. And his near sightedness would mean glasses and close monitoring by an ophthalmologist for the rest of his life.   Such a small price to pay, in our opinion, compared to the alternative.   Cody wore glasses with great pride, making it abundantly clear to his little brothers that Mommy and Daddy also wore glasses, and wasn’t it a shame that they didn’t have any themselves. This usually prompted a round of begging from his siblings that it was only fair they get glasses, too.   Then kindergarten happened.   One day, a couple of kids at recess derailed Cody’s bright outlook on having glasses in his possession. One boy said, your glasses look stupid, Cody. Another kid yanked them off his face and bent them.   Cody was a timid, small child. Seeing tears well up in his eyes, as he recounted the event, wrung our hearts dry.   Just recently though, something changed his outlook.   It was the morning of Valentine’s Day. I shut off the alarm and groped around in the dark until I found my glasses. I donned them and without turning on the light, blindly made my way to the bathroom. I flipped the bathroom switch, and there I discovered why it was extra dark in my bedroom.   My husband, Stephen, had placed two red heart stickers on my glasses. And plastered all over the mismatched antique mirrors above our bathroom basins were the same stickers.   “VALENTINE,” my husband had scrawled on one mirror, “I LOVE YOU THIS MUCH!”   In one mirror was drawn a stick arm with a hand pointing west. And in the other mirror was the same thing pointing east. I was chuckling under my breath, so as not to wake the rest of the household, while staring at my reflection.   I penned my response in the mirror, “Thanks to you, sweetie. I’ve got hearts in my eyes!”   While dressing Cody for school, he whispered, “Mom?”   “Yes, big boy?” I whispered back.   “You got hearts on your glasses.”
Part 1 独特个性Maintain Your Unique Individuality Diligently Having Hearts in Eyes眼里有心 Think More About What You Have多想想你拥有的 Care Your Dream呵护你的梦想 More than ORe Way to the Square通往广场的路不止一条 Do I Need to Like Myself?非得喜欢自己吗? Weakness or Strength是弱项还是强项 Part 2 思想深度What Do You Think A Boy and His Tree男孩和树 The Wisdom of ORe Word改变一生的邂逅 Puppies for Sale待售的小狗 Never Judge a Book by Its Cover不要以貌取人 The Story of Autumn秋天的故事 Sand Writing写在沙上的话 Part 3 创造潜力Creative Person Is the God's Favorite