


  • 图书作者: 高雅哲
  • 出  版  社: 南海出版社
  • 版权提供: 北京明天远航文化传播有限公司
  • 所在分类: 图书 > 英语外语 > 英语
  • 上传时间: 2015-10-27
  • 文件格式: htxt
  • 纸版书价:¥29.8           书城价: ¥4.00
史上最劲爆的英文幽默集萃,它提供最贴心的服务,能随时带给你快乐,它是最好的药,能治愈忧郁;它是最多情的伴侣,能让你感受不到寂寞。 能讲笑话的人,都是智慧之人。会听笑话的人,都是快乐的人。时不时地幽默一下,人生增加了许多谐趣。本书为渴望拥有阳光心情者选取当下最流行的搞笑幽默短篇,涉及名人对话、人生感悟、青春爱情、职场江湖和创意思维等等方面,坚持最有趣,最有启发,最经典原则,让人笑不完乐不够。 本书双语幽默还能让你在旅行、小憩、度假时掌握更多劲爆笑料,是朋友间最好的料理,是职场上润滑的良剂。
本书将名人搞笑、网络爆料、古今笑话、中外趣谈、经典幽默一锅端,版本全面升级,具备职场的润滑剂,交际圈的双面胶,自嘲的台阶等等功能,欢迎火爆试用! 双语幽默为正在学习英语和喜爱英文读物的读者提供了学习和阅读的素材,选文精良,全方位发掘笑点,在娱乐中就能提高口语,将玩与学完美结合起来。
第一章 动物也疯狂   1 So Fast   When a snail crossed the road, he was run over by a turtle. Regaining consciousness in the emergency room, he was asked what caused the accident.   “I really can’t remember. ”the snail replied,“You see, it all happened so fast. ”   太快了   一个蜗牛过马路,被一个乌龟从身上轧过。在急救室里它恢复了知觉,有人问它事故是怎样发生的。   “我真的记不起来了,”蜗牛回答说。“你瞧,一切发生得都太快了。”   2 The Clever Dog   A little boy was practicing his violin, while his father sat reading the newspaper.   The family dog began to howl along dismally. Finally, the father could endure the combination no more and said,“Can’t you play something the dog doesn’t know?”   聪明的狗   一个小男孩在练习小提琴,他的父亲在读报纸。随着小男孩的琴声,家里养的狗也开始高一声低一声地叫起来。最后,小男孩的父亲实在忍不下去了,说:“难道你就不能拉一些狗听不懂的曲子吗?”   3 Three Dollars   A dog owner claimed that his pet, when given money, would go to the news stall to buy a newspaper. His friend insisted on a demonstration and handed the dog some money. The dog trotted off, but an hour later, he had still not returned with the paper.   “How much did you give him? ”asked the owner.   “Three dollars.”   “Well, that explains it. When you give him three dollars, he goes to a movie.”   三元   一位养狗人声称,要是给他的爱犬一些钱,它便会到卖报亭买份报纸来。他的朋友坚持要来个演示,并给了狗一些钱。狗一溜小跑着去了。但一个小时过去了,仍不见它带报纸回来。   “你给了它多少钱?”狗的主人问。   “三元。”   “这就是了。你给它三元钱时,它就会去看电影。”
  第一章 动物也疯狂   1 So Fast 太快了    2 The Clever Dog 聪明的狗    3 Three Dollars 三元    4 The Parrot 鹦鹉    5 Three Mice 三只老鼠    6 A Drunken Cab 喝醉的螃蟹    7 Dog Property Rules 狗的财产规则    8 What Did the Chicken Do 那只鸡犯了什么错    9 Get the Umbrella 小乌龟取伞    10 Bat‐infestation Problems 蝙蝠困扰问题    11 Elephant VS Ants Soccer Game 大象对蚂蚁的足球赛    12 Ambitious Dog Mother 望子成龙的狗妈妈    13 I Am Called the Blister 我叫水泡    14 The Story of the Bats 蝙蝠的故事    15 A Fine Match 势均力敌    16 A Duck in a Convenience Store 便利店里的鸭子    17 You Know That 你知道我要说什么    18 Cat and Mouse 猫和老鼠    19 Who Is It 谁呀    20 The Centipede Puts on Its Shoes 蜈蚣穿鞋    第二章 神级回复   1 So Dirty 如此脏    2 Fortune 财产    3 Just Her Choice Give Me a Surprise 让人吃惊的选择